Translational Emotion Neuroscience and Development Laboratory
We are a group of researchers at San Diego State University and the University of California, San Diego that studies the development of social and emotional functioning.
Dr. Jillian Lee Wiggins: Lab Director
New Psychology Professor Pioneers ‘The Final Frontier’
While working at SDSU, Wiggins has the opportunity to create her own research program and further her research by scanning children in the MRI.
On April 9th, 2024, Dr. Jillian Lee Wiggins was featured in a San Diego Union-Tribune piece titled, “Brain imaging has promise to improve mental health treatment for kids. Here’s why.” Read the article at https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/commentary/story/2024-04-09/opinion-we-are-building-the-road-to-a-better-mental-health-future-for-our-children-heres-how
Dr. Jillian Lee Wiggins, Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of the Translational Emotion Neuroscience and Development Laboratory (TEND Lab) was chosen, out of 462 nominations, to give a TEDxSanDiego talk. She spoke on “Leveraging brain imaging to revolutionize the future of children’s mental health” on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at the David and Dorothea Garfield Theatre in La Jolla.
Grants, Scholarships, and Awards

Highlight Events
March 2021
SDSU Student Research Symposium
TEND Lab members give presentations on our research findings at the Student Research Symposium, a two-day event put on by SDSU students ranging from undergraduate to master’s and doctoral students to acknowledge research accomplishments and findings.
Email Us
6363 Alvarado Ct., Ste 250, San Diego, CA 92120